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Wednesday, December 23, 2020


CNN: The real reason Trump is failing to overturn the election Opinion by Timothy Frye

1 comment:

Glynn Kalara said...

Pretty good read on why Trump's attempt at a coup is failing. It certainly isn't for a lack of trying. I would add to this article one important fact. Trump was never able to consolidate power the way most other Dictators do. An example here is Chris Wray at the FBI. Trumpf put him there after kicking Comey out. I'm sure he thought Wray was going to be loyal to him personally or he would have never given him that job. Turned out he wasn't and Trumpf never gained control of the FBI a very necessary Dept. of National Gov't to have if you want to threaten your opposition. Having the DOJ under Barr helped but even there in the end even Barr choked on Trumpf's clownish attempts to overturn what was obviously a largely free and fair election. His biggest failure though was to gain the necessary loyalty from the military and here he totally failed except for a few outlier Generals. The General Staff for the greater part stayed loyal to their oaths to the Constitution. Without the military High command firmly behind him his coup has no chance, not that he won't still try right to the last moment.