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Thursday, December 24, 2020

MSNBC - We Need To Adjust Our Institutions To Prevent A ‘Tyrant And An Authoritarian Like Trump In Our Future'


Glynn Kalara said...

It's going to be hard to do since nearly half the voters out here are ok about having a Dictatorship. Nixon tried and failed, Trump got a lot closer to pulling it off. The problem is that democracy is not delivering for large numbers of people. Wannabe Dictators like Trump will make a lot of promises they don't really intend on delivering but their followers will back them anyway.

Jim Sande said...

Here's the thing that I see. At the heart of it, the people that voted for Trump are basically registered Republicans. The same people that voted for Bush 2 and his endless war are the same people who voted for Trump and Trump's rejection of Bush 2. Basically Trump told Bush voters that they were idiots and they voted for him anyhow because he was the GOP choice. That's kind of weird and I don't know what to make of it truthfully. One element that I'm noticing lately about a lot of Trump voters is magical thinking. There are a lot of people in the country that believe in magical thinking and I don't know what to make of that either. When you look at Qanon - conspiracy magical thinking.