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Wednesday, December 23, 2020

America's Water Crisis

 Guardian UK: ‘Forever chemicals’ pollute water from Alaska to Florida by Lynne Peeples


Glynn Kalara said...

Trumpism isn't just an emotional and psychological poison it's also as this article points out a literal physical poisoning of everything it touches including the rivers, lakes, ground water and the ocean. It also literally poisons the air and the land. It has done this through the reversal of many landmark laws and regulations passed the last 50 yrs and prinamrily through the hamstringing of the EPA. Will Biden reverse much of this? Maybe, and maybe he won't be able to since its highly doubtful he will have a Dem. Senate and the SCOTUS is now largely hard right. All of this bodes ill for us and for Mother Earth.

Jim Sande said...

Of all the things I've read that define Trump as an amoral POS, this is one area that pushes it to the next limit.