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Friday, August 21, 2020

Biden Delivers

 Guardian UK: Joe Biden basks in glow of well-received DNC speech – US politics live - Biden vows to end ‘season of darkness’ as he accepts nomination by Martin Belam


Glynn Kalara said...

Biden like Obama will be the third American President in recent history to be forced to spend the first years of his term cleaning up the utter mess trump will leave him. Clinton in 1992 inherited the huge debt Reagan and BV$H 1 left him. Obama was handed a totally crashed economy in 2009 and spent 8 yrs. cleaning up after BV$H2. He hands Trump a booming economy and trumps utter mismanagement of the only crisis he's handed COVID-19 trashes the economy and kills 175K and counting. Biden will now have nothing but ashes in his mouth when he gets the throne. This is the GOP game now when Dems. are in they get caught j-walking or wearing a brown suit it's a Nat'l fucking scandal that requires Impeachment. When they're in power the skies the limit on corruption even treason is given a pass. This has got to stop. With each new GOP regime we literally find ourselves ever lurching rightward. I expect Biden to spend his time trying to make trump's base happy. Forgetaboutit him doing shit for the rest of us. Sadly, this is what passes for democracy in this country two rightwing parties one more socially liberal the other becoming more and more fascistic by the minute. More trump's to come if the Dems. don't do something about it.

Jim Sande said...

You are describing the internal struggle with the Dems themselves - the progressive wing versus the moderates. Change comes slowly in America and i would agree relatively speaking we are pushing more and more to the right, in some respects. On the overall though, we still have the ascension of women and their rights, and gay rights as well. This is a pretty good thing in that more people are included. Right now the whole black lives matter movement has a lot of wind in its sails. America is still divided though and it's according to region. Overall here in upstate NY in my town, it's pretty liberal. Pretty much all GOPers were kicked out of local office in my town over the last 2 years, including a guy who was doing a decent job being the highway supervisor. But go north of here into rural NY and it's pure Trump country.