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Friday, July 31, 2020


CNN: Why some people who haven't had Covid-19 might already have some immunity By Jacqueline Howard


Glynn Kalara said...

This makes a lot of sense. Maybe SARS-CV2 isn't as novel as everyone thinks. It would explain why so many are asymptomatic and why so many that do get sick only get the mild form of COVID-19 the disease. Still its an extraordinarily dangerous infection to be avoided. It isn't however the Spanish Flu by any stretch or Ebola. Whether this has any bearing on how easy or hard it is for us to get out of this is another thing. Let's all remember that Cold viruses and this is related to other CV viruses that manifest in humans as colds are very difficult to eradicate and no one has ever developed a vaccine for them.

Jim Sande said...

I don't have much faith in a vaccine for this. I do have a lot of faith in maintaining very good health and consequently having a healthy immune system. Lots of people are basically in really bad health, bad diet is a big part of it as we know. The South is getting hammered now, but you know what, there's a lot of obesity in the South. Stay healthy, eat well, exercise, sleep well, reduce stress, stay engaged - these things remain important for us.