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Friday, November 22, 2019

Read This

  Explaining one important aspect of what the Dems are doing on impeachment

TPM: Read This


Glynn Kalara said...

They're blowing it is what they are doing. Support is slipping away because sadly many Americans could care less if Trumpf is using foreign countries to attack his political rivals. Most Americans don't know its illegal to take aide from foreign countries to further your political goals. Nor, do they care. It was a bad reason to try and Impeach him. A BJ in the WH they get. In the end, he'll get Impeached, and then exonerated and things will get even worse. My guess is that by next fall he will be fishing around for a way to either suspend the election or he'll do as he did in 2016 and hire the Russian FSB / KGB and let Colonel Putin run the campaign. If he loses he still will refuse to accept the results and then what? The Dems. have shown no desire to resist except this weak attempt to Impeach him. Good luck to us were headed for becoming another Turkey, Egypt, Hungry or Russia with our own Dictator. In fact, I think were already there.

Jim Sande said...

I pretty much agree with what you're writing here. I'm stunned at the complicity of the American people and their total lack of interest or understanding. It's an ugly time, never thought I would see anything like this and it still is inconceivable that the person at the center is someone of such little moral authenticity, someone so immersed in the worst impulses of humanity.