Wednesday, December 13, 2017


The 32% mark has shown up on another poll recently. He is drifting down.

The Hill: Monmouth poll: Trump approval rating hits record-low 32 percent By Avery Anapol


Glynn Kalara said...

Amazing that 32% still like this guy after a year of his endless insane rantings and behavior. Hitler had that same 32% in 1933 in Germany and it didn't stop him from transforming Germany from a semi-democratic Republic into a monstrous murder machine. Granted Donald is not Adolf but Adolf wasn't armed with nukes. We are in extremely dangerous waters.

Jim Sande said...

There is a lot in play right now. Trump is flailing. He's got Mueller on his tail, and now he's got a very angry female contingent that want him gone. The latter is not going to let it go. Mueller's next indictment is going to be a death blow because who could it be? It's Kushner, Don Jr., or Trump himself.