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Thursday, November 03, 2016

Katy Tur

Salon: WATCH: Journalist Katy Tur responds after Donald Trump bullies her in front of 4,000 people - "It is a unique experience to have an entire crowd of people . . . booing you," Tur told Brian Williams by Brendan Gauthier


Glynn Kalara said...

This is what makes tRumpf so dangerous. He specializes in personalizing ( scapegoating) his and the crowds' hatreds and then he directs that ugly hatred against his target or targets, turning these normally decent people into a LYNCH MOB. In the same way, tRumpf is targeting the media, immigrants, Muslims and women as the reason for the economic distress and paranoia that is indeed rampant among certain groups today.

Jim Sande said...

Yes, scapegoating, exactly. He is dangerous in that his entire campaign is built on this concept. It's the backbone of the Trump campaign as it were. Look at how the militia groups are talking about reacting to a Hillary Clinton win, they're going to go out there and find scapegoats. They are going to round them up, fix their wagons, defend their territory, it's completely insane, this is insanity. And this is a result of Trump's activity, he is a Hitler. He's ramping it up and it's utterly disgusting.