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Thursday, June 23, 2016

'Incoherent Adolescent'

Salon: How to beat Donald Trump: The simple playbook that will lead to his political demise - When the press aggressively challenges him, Trump turns into an incoherent adolescent — that will be his undoing by Steve Almond
As Mark Bowden has deftly observed, Trump’s essential nature is adolescent. Beneath his glib persona, he’s vain, defensive, and terrified of being unmanned. The way to take him down is not to debate him, or fact-check him, but to rattle that fragile ego of his—to goad him.


Glynn Kalara said...

I agree, he's used to dictating terms to his subordinates and to anyone stupid enough to try and do business with him. From all I know about him though on a personal level he's a coward and he's emotionally very thin skinned. The Clinton's are much tougher political animals then this guy. The business world isn't the same game , he thinks it is because he defeated the cast of losers the GOP put up against him, but HRC and company are a different breed, as old Bernie found out the hard way.

Jim Sande said...

I like the idea that Trump will get burned. I wish I was a fly in the room when he goes into a tantrum and I bet the house he has tantrums all day long. He is emotionally unprepared to be president. I suspect the best the GOP establishment is hoping for is that he wins, then goes back to running his 'business empire' while the VP runs the show. Then Trump can show up at state dinners and funerals like a good figurehead nincompoop. Hopefully he remains sober and not too coked up to puke on his shoes.