Monday, May 16, 2016

No Big Deal

  How simple, how tidy, and how convenient - Trump's behavior is no big deal, nobody cares anyhow.

I think we are going to call complete utter bullshit on this one...

Guardian UK: GOP leaders: 'People don't care' about Trump's woman problem


Glynn Kalara said...

Trump's the candidate ok so we now apply the Ronald Reagan Teflon spray while also pulling out the MIB flash stick and tell everyone that you only know good things about Donald and all the rest never happened. For the majority of Republicons that works NP. Talk radio and Fox will soon reinforce the Trump be the best message soon enough while turning HRC into the wicked witch of the east.

Jim Sande said...

Oh yeah, that's the game plan. It occurred to me that Gingrich, who wants to be his running mate, helped lead the ClintonLewinsky charge back in the 90s and now he wants to run with Trump who by all accounts is worse around woman than Clinton. At least Clinton wasn't abusive to woman, not counting Hillary of course, he was your run of the mill womanizer hound dog. Just as everyone is saying this election is like no other, this election is bringing out layers of hypocrisy like no other too.