Saturday, May 14, 2016


Southern Poverty Law Center: Anti-LGBT Hate Group World Congress of Families Gears Up for Its Tenth International Congress
Feder, who has a long history against LGBT rights, has also been a strong promoter of the idea of a “demographic winter,” a claim riddled with conspiracy theories in which the human species is doomed because birthrates are falling, particularly in European countries. Abortion, birth control, homosexuality, feminism and other perceived “unnatural” deviations from the “natural family” have led to this crisis, proponents like Feder argue. More recently, he opposed the addition of Harriet Tubman to the $20 bill because “American history was made by white males, who were overwhelmingly Christian.”

1 comment:

Glynn Kalara said...

Nobody else made any history in America? Really? Talk about an arrogant view of history. History is ONLY white Christian and male? That pretty much sums up this asswads world view and what he thinks about everyone else on the planet. Not much.