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Friday, July 17, 2015

Paul Krugman - Of Course GOP Voters Love ‘Belligerent , Loudmouth Racist’ Donald Trump


Glynn Kalara said...

Its most likely going to be Jeb BV$H the 3rd vs. Hillbillry with a 40%+ voter turnout. Sadly.

Jim Sande said...

That sounds about right to me. Beyond that 40% turnout the GOP is already working to suppress the black and Latino vote.

Glynn Kalara said...

The GOP strategy for voting ( which should never be confused with democracy) is a Roman or Athenian ( ancient Greek) style of Republic, where for the most part only men with property are allowed to vote. The key here is property. Many in the GOP believe that if you aren't a property or landholder or rentier you have NO stake in the outcome. Today when you hear these people whining most voters don't even pay Federal taxes this is this same crowd justifying voter suppression. The truth is everyone pays lots of taxes besides Federal Income taxes and ironically many very wealthy people pay little or none as well because of various ways they dodge paying. The voter suppression campaigns then are meant to shrink down those who can vote by various schemes designed like the old Jim Crow laws in the post reconstruction south to stop blacks from voting. Today using Orwellian newspeak this same idea has been repackaged and presented to the public as laws to protect ( sarcastically) the system fro LOL "voter fraud." In reality, these schemes are just that massive attempts at voting fraud by design, enshrined into law. It will start with having to have a picture ID and move on from there to some other even more difficult hurdles.