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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

TRNN - The Consequences Of Climate Change (In Our Lifetimes)


Glynn Kalara said...

Very well done. A bit too much techno-optimism though. Its funny but, I think this video is now a bit dated. Things are already ramping up and the feed backs seem to be even worse then predicted and happening much earlier then expected. Anyway, still all in all its a good video to show your friends and family that are still in denial or just ignorant of what's going on with all of this.

Jim Sande said...

Good, I'm glad you had a positive reaction to it. I thought it was pretty good too. My inner circle of friends and family are all on board and are struggling like me in the sense of what can be done.

Glynn Kalara said...

I'm starting to fear what Prof. Guy McPherson out of Arizona State is saying is probably closer to the truth. :( The belief we can stop this according to him and others is just so much false hope. On the other hand what else do we have?

Jim Sande said...

Exactly, it reminds me of going in for surgery. You don't want to go in, but you're going. There's no escape from this and there's no momentum to stop it either.