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Saturday, December 14, 2013


For unknown technical reasons Raw Story will not allow me to post my comment on this story at their site. - Megyn Kelly doubles down on ‘white Santa’: I did it for the kids. But I can at least post it here.

Conservatives get stuck and hung up on very tiny meaningless matters, it's part of their makeup. If there's a perfectly fine and normal experience going on somewhere, you can bet your last dollar that a conservative is finding a tempest of problems. The Luddites at FOX News have amazingly uncovered a nefarious "war on Christmas." Kelly's skewered comments which are naturally humorous to conservatives, are just another angle on the preposterous notion of a war on Christmas. Generally, conservatives think they have made a real funny joke when they have provoked the rest of the world negatively. Kelly deserves all the backlash and much more. In FOX echo chamber world, conservatives are right, correct, and incapable of compromise or change because they are pure, morally impeccable, and exist to teach the world how to be - the rest of us just lack the delicate nuance that appreciates the highest levels of intelligence. We fail to understand Kelly's great factual insight, it does not even enter her mind that her words could possibly be vicious, boorish, repulsive, or just plain stupid and unnecessary. What about this is surprising? None of it, these people live in a tiny ultra-supported world where nonsense like this gets applauded as if it were some kind of blessing to the universe.

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