Wednesday, May 01, 2013


With a global economic system that depends on continued growth as an indicator of its health, we are faced with limited physical resources, not unlimited resources. Perhaps when people learn how to move at the speed of light, then our resource limitations become more of a moot point for a while. But till that distant time, something has got to give and will give.

AlterNet: Ready for Rationing? Why We Should Put the Brakes on Consumption If We Want to Survive - Stan Cox talks about his new book "Any Way You Slice It: The Past, Present, and Future of Rationing."

1 comment:

Glynn Kalara said...

Austerity is the beginning of rationing for 90% of the public. The elites have decided rationing is for everyone else but themselves. The irony though is their mass consumption model will also have to change won't it? Why? Because if they intend to lower everyone's incomes but themselves where is the money going to come to support it anymore? They seem to be opting for a two class society of winners the top 10% and losers everyone else.