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Friday, March 29, 2013

Wall Street Is Closed On Friday March 29th

  Good morning. It is 36 degrees and sunny here in Upstate NY. The temperatures are slowly staying more slightly above freezing than below and as a result all of the snow in the immediate area is now gone. I was out raking the yard early last evening taking away pieces of branches and some old remaining leaves from last Fall. This time of year seems like a period to take stock of what you have and to try to project a little bit into the future about how you would like to exist during the warmer months - not too much, just enough, some decent planning.

  Checking the news briefly this morning we see that North Korea has lost it's collective mind. I'm sure they could get off a decent salvo but the annihilation they face would be without comparison. Just what we need right, another war. Now I was out there protesting the start of the Iraq war, even I knew that the justification was trumped up and had to do with the push of the neocons with over a decade of policy during the 90s to invade Iraq. 9-11 was their simple justification, the American public bought that lie, and the media rolled over and did nothing with the exception of the internet outlets where rationality was found. This is different, North Korea can do some real damage, it might not be here but they do have nuclear weapons and they do have missiles capable of carrying them.

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