Saturday, October 01, 2011

Pass The Tea

It occurs that the Tea Party should be out there all over Occupy Wall Street, in the sense that isn't this supposed to be their fight too.

So why have we not read any words of support from the Tea Party about Occupy Wall Street or how about some people in the trenches too? Where's all the big hub bub about bailing out big banks and doling out cash left and right to corporate America that the Tea Party dipped teabags about? Where did that go?

PoliticusUSA: Why The Tea Party Should Join Occupy Wall Street


Glynn Kalara said...

Can they bring their machine pistols? The Tea party AKA the brownshirts have no interest in the common people. They want to defend every Americans right to have becoming rich to stop anyone else from doing the same. They are defenders of the Status quo ante 12th century.

Jim Sande said...

This could be an interesting part of this protest. People should be asking why isn't the Tea Party there and supporting these protestors. When they don't show up and start talking rank and file conservative crap about the protestors it should expose them, expose the Tea Party for what they are. I would suspect this whole Occupy Wall Street is making some Tea Party leadership people squirm, its a big headache to them.

Jim Sande said...

On the other hand they could try to co-opt the movement somehow with FOX News backing them. All they need are a few faces and TV cameras, just enough to keep the low information conservatives happy.

Glynn Kalara said...

Let them stay away. Its a phony movement anyway and their silence or vocal opposition is welcome. The Tea bag brigades are a bunch of crazy Retardicans anyway. Their backers love Wall st., hell they are Wall st.