Thursday, September 01, 2011

TRNN - Without Short Term Stimulus Global Economy Will Go Over The Precipice

One of the very best summation talks on our present economic misery.

Its 16 minutes long and it is clear as a bell.

More at The Real News


Glynn Kalara said...

Look no offense, but at this late date almost anyone who wants to understand this is either on one side or the other. I just recieved an email from a tea party guy who sends me some WSJ rant by some rich creep crying that Buffet is a class traitor ( ala FDR) and that poor people are slackers who don't pay enough taxes and he needs his taxes reduced. The other side isn't just siting back and doing nothing. They'r actively attacking the rest of us through these people and they're endless media outlets , Corps. military and police forces etc. If this is class warfare its almost wholly one sided, because the masses don't get it.

Jim Sande said...

GK - my primary motivation is to pass along information that I find of interest. I figure if I'm trying to become slightly informed I can at least copy and paste. The TRNN clip from yesterday was about how these same oligarchs now control even more of the wealth, its a much larger number heading towards 65%! Some of the people that I know, regular hard working types not necessarily progressive or anything, would benefit from understanding a little bit more about the details of our recession that could become an even more severe decade long depression easily.

Lots of people seem to be attracted to this crazy notion that austerity is good and that not taxing the rich is good. The people that think this way are not just our greedy oligarch friends, and we both have them, but its also simple hard working people who are caught up for a whole variety of reasons in the crazy logic of Tea Party types and their off spring- just are you are saying the media all over the place that echoes the oligarch points.

I figure if I can get at least one uninformed person to listen to this particular clip and get it, understand it, then something has shifted for what I believe is the better.

We both know that the rich are being giving a free ride. The guy on the clip has a great example, he says its like the bread winners of the house are being told they don't need to do anything to keep the household afloat. This is the rich not paying their taxes. What he is saying is that people like Buffet and other big deal investors are beginning to understand that if the middle class continues to erode, that the erosion will eventually catch up to many millionaires. Buffet is saying he wants to be taxed because he is a little scared.

I'm not giving up. We can't do that.

Glynn Kalara said...

I know you and myself are merely trying to pass along to as many people as we can an alternative view of the mess everyone agree were in. I 'm not in any way mad at u. Its just that sometimes I think considering the huge odds against us in the short its a waste of our time. Its frustrating when you have to endlessly confront the stupid lazy thinking of so many people. Yes, the rich are getting a free ride but try and convince the millions of dumbos that want to believe other wise.