Monday, September 05, 2011

Right Off The Cliff

A review of a few of the stories on one of my favorite news sites The Raw Story shows the policy interests of the Tea Party GOP.

The direction of that policy should be clear as a bell, it completely favors the rich and calls for more decimation of the poor.

On the favoring the rich side, we have Bachmann calling for a 0% corporate tax rate -Bachmann open to a ’0% corporate tax rate’

On decimating the poor we have - Right-wing commentator: Poor people voting is ‘un-American’ and Fox guest: For economy to recover, get rid of minimum wage

Recall that a recent chant of the Tea Party GOP is calling Democrats "redistributionists (sic)" Once again we see the accuser deeply involved in the accusation. This is the typical projection that so often comes into play in the authoritarian personality which so intimately informs the Tea Party GOP.

The "redistribution" in the Tea Party GOP case is simply to funnel all of the wealth including the equity of labor of the poorest citizens into the hands of the elite.

The Tea Party GOP wants to eliminate the minimum wage. Considering how impossible it is to live on the minimum wage one must assume that from the Tea Party GOP point of view poverty is not deep and extensive enough. Poverty apparently needs to be even more restrictive and impossible.

This should be a clear wake up call that all of the hard earned victories of the little person that have occurred in America over the last few decades including minimum wages and voter rights, are under assault from the Tea Party GOP. One must assume that the Tea Party GOP vision for America is an even more class divided society where the lower poor class contains the vast majority of people.

Taken from another perspective the Tea Party GOP is calling for an impoverished society living on the fumes of sub minimum wages and with no representation in government. Now that's a very troubling vision of America because it is a return to slavery. The idea being that the poor must accept whatever is thrown their way as wages, and they may not vote either. Sounds like slavery to me.

1 comment:

Jim Sande said...

They can start ranking the jobs - more important jobs includes protein - the least important get mush.

The only thing missing from the Tea Party GOP plan is how to get rid of all the malnourished bodies.