Sunday, September 04, 2011

Apples Are Back

Just spent a part of the afternoon at a local apple orchard.

Happy to report that this year's crop is looking very good.

We picked a bag of apples for $14 and I estimated that the full bag weighed roughly 35 pounds. They sell apples around here for about $2 a pound, so we did well.

Also bought a few honey crisps which are so good they should be illegal.

There are some new laws in effect in New York about apple orchards. Any apples that fall on the ground have to just stay on the ground. In previous years, the orchard would turn the fallen apples into juice. Also, no more dogs near the apple trees. I may sound like a Tea Party person here, but the intended sterilization or purification of the food chain with these kinds of laws is over reaching. After all they would pasteurize the apple juice, and dogs are dogs - get real.

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