Saturday, September 10, 2011

9/11 Anniversary

9/11 is obviously the main story this weekend. Flipping through the web, its dominating most news outlets.

I would disagree with Obama. Nothing about 9/11 made the US stronger, it made the US far more paranoid and militaristic, unthinkably partisan, and left a society where the needs and benefits of ordinary citizens are not in the forefront. 9/11 has pushed corporate dominance broader and deeper into society and that's not a good thing.

BBC: 9/11 anniversary: Attacks made US stronger, Obama says


Glynn Kalara said...

Maybe , he's talking about the America he's part of the one dominated and owned and totally subservient to the big Int'l Corps. I think he really believes that America is stronger and better then the one we once had till Dec. 2000 when the SCOTUS smashed the Republic and threw its carcass into a shallow grave. 9/11 was the beginning of the Empire and everything that has happened since invested and strengthened that Empire.

Jim Sande said...

Could be and it is a logical conclusion.

Another possibility is that he is trying to be Cheerleader in Chief. Set the mood as it were but I doubt anyone is buying.