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Friday, August 20, 2010

Iran's Bushehr Nuclear Reactor

One might suspect that the next hot point for war occur in the near future. This would be a called for bombing of Iran's new Bushehr nuclear reactor. One would suspect that Israel is watching the progress on this thing as a hawk watches a mouse in an open field. The reactor is in their sights 100% of the time.

The reactor is scheduled to begin the fueling process tomorrow, Saturday. Initially the radioactivity produced will be tiny but after a few weeks the radioactivity becomes significant and the by product of some country's bombing raid at that time will be harmful to the surrounding areas. It would be another environmental disaster.

Somebody is either going to bomb this thing in the next couple of weeks or they are going to live with it.

CS Monitor: Why Iran's nuclear reactor may not be an immediate threat
Some hawks say bomb it now...

Former UN Ambassador John Bolton says the deadline for destroying it must be before the first fuel is loaded on Saturday...

"the amount of reactivity in the reactor initially is relatively low, so low that the amount of radioactive material that might be dispersed if the plant was bombed would be negligible"

It's technically true that the spent fuel coming out of this light-water reactor will be more radioactive and difficult to use for nuclear weapons as time between refueling grows..."

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