Monday, September 14, 2009


On the heals of an extremely optimistic article from Reuters on the future of the investment world - Big mood shift seen in year after Lehman - comes a sour article from Yahoo.

The Yahoo article points out 10 areas forming bubbles that are ready to pop. Its interesting to note that the return to college is large. I recall reading several articles advising the undertaking and pushing people in the direction of a new degree in a bad job market. Might as well do something. In my opinion the most practical career advice I've read in recent days suggests learning to become a plumber.

A few are readily understandable. In my mind that would be the price of gold, trash financials like AIG, and commercial real estate. Commercial real estate seems on track for a serious realignment with huge foreclosures in the works.

A green bubble? The term itself seems like an oxymoron. Green is still a pipe dream.

Yahoo: Ten Bubbles in the Making
1. China bubble
2. Green bubble
3. Gold bubble
4. Federal Reserve bubble
5. Trash stock bubble
6. Education bubble
7. Subprime bubble, 2.0
8. Life insurance securitization bubble
9. Commercial real estate bubble
10. Emerging market bubble


Glynn Kalara said...

Kind of fits the new view of how the Multi-verse is structured around the idea of lots of bubble like Universes. So maybe our economy is just recapitulating nature? Were is Teddy Roosevelt when we need him? Obama for some reason is blind to whats happening here? The SCOTUS is about ready to finish off the Republic with a ruling any day that will allow EXXON to essentially along with the TBTF banks buy DC outright. Maybe it's time we realize that our democratic experiment has failed. Even the Romans understood that voting doesn't mean much if all the real power is in the hands of an Emperor or an aristocracy or both. Vote all u want folks it's meaningless , except to change alot of wallpaper type issues. The BIG Corps. OWN the Gov't it's GAME OVER!

Jim Sande said...

Interesting info on the multi-verse will check it out.

I remember when I was reading about the Iraq war as it was being waged back in 03 04, some soldier was describing how Exxon was telling the military what to do, where to fight.

We are at their mercy financially. This is a big part of the farm co-op food co-op movement. Its tough.