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Thursday, July 23, 2009

No Money, No Problem

This is a must read fascinating article on a man who lives on zero money.

He is a modern hobo and philosopher. COULD YOU SURVIVE WITHOUT MONEY? MEET THE GUY WHO DOES
By 1999, he was living in a Buddhist monastery in Thailand—he had saved just enough money for the flight. From there, he made his way to India, where he found himself in good company among the sadhus, the revered ascetics who go penniless for their gods. Numbering as many as 5 million, the sadhus can be found wandering roads and forests across the subcontinent, seeking enlightenment in self-abnegation. "I wanted to be a sadhu," Suelo says. "But what good would it do for me to be a sadhu in India? A true test of faith would be to return to one of the most materialistic, money-worshipping nations on earth and be a sadhu there. To be a vagabond in America, a bum, and make an art of it—the idea enchanted me."

...think of him like the raven, cleaning up the carcasses the rest of us leave behind.

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