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Thursday, December 18, 2008

Ritter On Cheney's Iraq Assertions

Longtime anti-Iraq war activist and former weapons inspector in Iraq, Scott Ritter adds to the body of his reporting about the war.

Ritter has been dead on about the Iraq war from the very beginning and he hear demonstrably refutes Cheney's recent televised claims.

Guardian: Dick Cheney's fantasy world
While one can make the argument that Saddam had the people, insofar as the scientists who had participated in the WMD programmes of the 1980s were still in Iraq and, in many cases, still employed by the government, these human resources were irrelevant without either the industrial infrastructure, the economic base or the political direction needed to produce WMD. None of these existed.

Invading Iraq and removing Saddam, the glue that held that nation together as a secular entity, was the worst action the US could have undertaken for the people of Iraq, the Middle East as a whole and indeed the entire world.


Glynn Kalara said...

Cheney's just preaching to the 25% dead enders out here. Everyone else just wants the troops outta there ASAP. Cheney and BV$H are history and not soon enough.

Jim Sande said...

This is true, I like Ritter for refuting Cheney. It pisses me off that the story is told in a newspaper in England. We read the story but most people in the USA don't, and they are the people that matter. So what does this tell us about the main stream media.

Glynn Kalara said...

Ritter...traitor ..against us not for us....why does he hate free-dumb so much?