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Thursday, May 22, 2008

Withdrawal Before Success

President Bush recently said -
"Withdrawal before success would send a signal to terrorists and extremists across the world that America is weak and does not have the stomach for a long fight..."

"Withdrawal before success would be catastrophic for our country..."
Fortunately additional comments would seem to indicate which success we are actually talking about - Petraeus may urge troop cutbacks in September
The top US commander in Iraq said Thursday he expects to recommend further cuts in US forces in Iraq before he relinquishes command in September because of improved security.
It appears everything will be wrapped up just in time for the election - Gates says Iraq 'endgame' in sight, but warns against hasty pullout
- US Defense Secretary Robert Gates said the "endgame" is now in sight in Iraq but warned of the costly consequences of withdrawing US forces too hastily.
The messages are coming through loud and clear, the end/victory is in sight, and it will coincidentally occur just before Election Day.

Is this October surprise part one...

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