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Sunday, August 12, 2007

Iran is Step 2

The news keeps returning to threats from the Bush administration to bomb Iran. Cheney is of course a firm proponent of widening the occupation of Iraq to include Iran.

In the past the Bush administration has drawn its foreign policy agenda from the neo-conservative think tanks. The Project for a New American Century receives less attention these days as its alumni have crept over to other neo-conservative think tanks like the Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute.

However reviewing the Project for a New American Century salient document 'Rebuilding America's Defenses' or PNAC as it is called, we see the call for the invasion of Iran. The invasion of Iraq was also defined in the PNAC document.

Cheney continues to remain on message with the points found in this document and Bush continues to ride the neo-conservative agenda.

The Iraq occupation is described in all lackluster terms imaginable ranging from utter failure to mismanaged mess to Vietnam-like quagmire. Iran is a far more complex and vibrant society than Iraq. Iran is far more coordinated militarily than Iraq. Iran has not been subjected to years and years of an intense embargo. Iran has not been subjected to bombing missions for the last ten years as Iraq was prior to the American invasion.

Common sense would indicate that an Iran invasion would not produce a fast 'victory.' Common sense would indicate that the invasion of Iran would produce a greater quagmire than the present quagmire in Iraq. Will common sense win out over the pressure of the neo-conservative agenda and can our Congress find enough spine to assert its will and reject an invasion of Iran.

Photo: young women in Iran

1 comment:

Glynn Kalara said...

No. Commonsense as you call it has no bearing on why the so called neo-cons are pushing for more war. These people see control of ALL of the ME's oil as the key to world dominion. Eliminating Saddam was step 1. step 2. is Eliminating Iran's control of its oil fields ( mostly concentrated near Iraq and easily attacked) and then step 3. which is I believe getting the Saudis to understand who is in charge of what. Heres where the real split is in the Repuke Corpirate camp. 2 factions 1 backed by Poppie BV$H and his pro-Saudi gang ( baker, Powell, Clintoon etc) and the other behind Cheney and his Corpirate and Neo-con backers who say fuck the Saudis we want control and to that end we need both the Iraqi and Iranian oil in our hands NOW! With this situation we can dictate terms to the Saudis and OPEC. Step 4. maybe knocking off Chavez. The wild card in all of this though are the Russians who are now the 3rd biggest oil producers. Eventually this will come down to confronting them over energy. The War is about ENERGY (OIL) and who controls it. The US is just the vessel these Int'l OIL pirates are using to finance and wage their little Imperial wars of domination.
Also, as a footnote Cheney and gang aren't worried about Iran closing the straits or for that matter sinking a few Air Craft carriers while doing it. The price of oil will soar when this happens enriching them even more and making the OIL prize even more valuable. The carriers are obsolete as the battleships at Pearl were. In fact they're sitting ducks and targets for just that purpose. Cheney and his goons don't care if they have to sacrifice a few thousand sailors or airmen . They'll wager that if this happens the country ,especially the spineless things in Congress will rally round our WAR PREZ and press on to TOTAL victory. For THEM! Its a no lose situation for Emperor 25% and his PM Herr Cheney Mr. 12%. The timing of all this is whats hard to predict. My guess is as soon as they can get the Air Force and Navy ready. No ground troops will be needed maybe some marines to hold the Iranian fields. How will the rest of the world react? They don't care everyone already hates them and us is their calculation. Cheney's modus operandi is simple as Chuck Colson once said."if you have them by the balls their hearts and minds are sure to follow." Ruthless and heartless, Amerika's Imperial leadership.