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Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Tragedy Without Equal

It is the greatest fear of any parent anywhere, the loss of a child.

Cindy Sheehan said it best. I paraphrase, but the words were to this effect - A parent isn't supposed to bury their son or daughter.

Cindy was talking about her son who died as an American soldier in the Iraq occupation/ civil war involvement and the great grief she feels for that loss of life.

The Iraq War is an outrage. After years of looking at all kinds of information on this thing, I believe it was started with the motive of securing the world's resources. But the worst part is, who gets those resources? That would be the wealthiest corporations that exist on the planet.

The Iraq War was not in any way whatsoever started as some kind of humanitarian building or democracy sharing enterprise or any of that stuff.
The last thing these guys think about is people. Actually they don't think about them at all. Let's get real.

I do not believe any aspect of the mainstream propaganda that speaks of terrorism or dictatorships as the main motive. It a convenient hat rack.

Within this monstrous tragedy are the network of smaller tragedies. None could be as wrenching as this: Report: Iraq Child Mortality Rate Soars

Leonard Cohen stated the obvious. The lyrics are, 'democracy is coming, democracy is coming, to the USA.'

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