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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Four in Iraq

The four year anniversary of shock and awe's commencement is a few days away.

Many communities across the US are planning peace walks. This is an effort to call for the end of US involvement in the war/occupation and to show support for the families of those killed in this brutal war.

This war is perhaps the biggest foreign policy mistake undertaken by the US. One can no longer even recall why this war was started in the first place. Why did it begin? WMD? Democracy? Iran? Nuclear weapons in Iraq? The reasons change as the years go by.

As one who was skeptical of the idea that it was solely about oil and controlling the world's energy resources, I now believe that it was in fact for this reason. When one looks at a principal funder of the American Enterprise Institute, a base camp for neo-conservatives, one sees that it is Exxon-Mobil.

President Bush appears to be in an ether other world. He's a godlike being that stares out over a vast blooming thriving valley. He opens his arms and the valley turns black, withered, and dead. The godlike being then sees even more thriving and blossoming. Its very odd to witness.

It is good to see that there is now a movement among Evangelicals to speak out against the use of torture by the US. What if Evangelicals now consider voting for candidates that do not support the use of torture?

Torture, just one of many reasons why the Iraq occupation must end.

If you are seeking the answers to the usual suspect foggy questions put out by the right and the main stream media on why the occupation must continue, read this article:

Beyond Quagmire - A panel of experts convened by Rolling Stone agree that the war in Iraq is lost. The only question now is: How bad will the coming explosion be? by TIM DICKINSON

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