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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Bizarro World

With George Bush seemingly on course to become the least popular president in US history with deserving poll numbers that have fallen through the floor, he is also on course to become, as Gore Vidal predicts, the most hated US president.

Bush is feverishly working in his relentless quest to increase the power of the executive branch.

One gets the distinct sense that Bush enjoys nose thumbing the American people. Isn't the president supposed to work for the benefit of all the people, not just the richest most powerful corporate executives?

This NY Times article reveals the latest moves in this direction:

Bush Directive Increases Sway on Regulation

excerpt: "Consumer, labor and environmental groups denounced the executive order, saying it gave too much control to the White House and would hinder agencies’ efforts to protect the public."

Exactly when has Bush ever been concerned about the protection of the public?

The last few weeks have seen a rise in US troops killed in Iraq.

US military deaths in Iraq

The families of these soldiers are feeling great pain. There is such rejection of the Bush - McCain - Cheney - neocon Iraq policy that one could assume that even the diehards are feeling confused. This is as tragic a situation as any I have ever witnessed.

Sculpture is Rodin's 'The Gates of Hell'

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