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Thursday, December 14, 2006

Neocons in Outer Space

This article is making the blogosphere rounds.

U.S. warns of threat to satellites

excerpt 1: "The Bush administration warned Wednesday against threats by terrorist groups and other nations against U.S. commercial and military satellites, and discounted the need for a treaty aimed at preventing an arms race in space."

excerpt 2: "He also said terrorists "understand our vulnerabilities and have targeted our economy in the past, as they did on 9/11." He said terrorists and enemy states might view the U.S. space program as "a highly lucrative target," while sophisticated technologies could improve their ability to interfere with U.S. space systems and services."

Comment: This is nothing more than the continuation of the Bush Administration's extreme interest and commitment to the neo-conservative agenda. Even with his approval rating in the dumpster and with the vast majority of Americans disapproving of his policies, Bush persists in continuing with the worst political agenda possibly ever assembled.

Here is a short incomplete wish list of things that the neo-conservatives in the Project for a New American Century brought forth in their PNAC document.
Some have been realized, others are definitely in the wings ready to be initiated.

-War in Iraq
-War in Iran
-War in Syria
-War in North Korea
-Military control of the internet
-Military control of outer space
-A new military armed forces division dedicated to the militarization of space.
-A new class of nuclear weapons
-Removing diplomacy from the American foreign policy lexicon
-The reduction of the role of the UN
-An ever increasing military budget that dwarfs the rest of the world's military budgets combined!
-The zombified soldier, who is chemically injected with fear inhibiting drugs as he or she fights.

Conclusion: Why Bush bought into this bill of incredibly brutal goods will be discussed for years. Certainly he likes it and will assuredly persist in bringing forth the neocon agenda even when it truly is just Laura and Barney who approve.

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