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Thursday, July 27, 2006

Rage Against War

With President Bush announcing at a news conference with Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki that America will be sending more troops into Baghdad, a few things come to mind.

Its important to remember that "more troops" means more above and beyond the 127,000 troops already in Iraq. So that 127,000 troop number is going to rise. This would be an escalation in troop strength.

As this is occurring, recent polls indicate that this escalation is in complete opposition to what the majority of Americans want, and what the Iraqi people want.

The majority of Americans want to see a plan for the withdrawal of troops in Iraq. 50% want to see all of the troops withdrawn either immediately or within 12 months. 8% wanted to see troop levels go up, so that lucky 8% just saw their dream come true.

As far as how the Iraqis see American troops, the poll numbers are quite astonishing. 1%, yes that is the number one, say that they trust American and coalition forces for their personal protection. This means that the whole idea that we have to stay in Iraq in order to provide protection and stability for the Iraqi people is opposed by 99% of the Iraqi population.

So to recap: The majority of Americans want a plan to get the troops out of Iraq ranging from now to within 12 months. 99% of the Iraqi people feel that American and coalition forces do NOT provide personal protection. And finally, George Bush has just announced that he will be sending additional troops into Iraq.

Allow me to point out that there is a direct, obvious, elephant in the room type of jaw dropping disconnect going on here. One could assume that George Bush is the kind of fellow that sees a red, do not go, stop right there, light and says to himself full speed ahead. One could say that this response is the equivalent of throwing gasoline on an already raging fire, all the while thinking that the gas will put the fire out.

Bush announcement: article

Poll of Americans on Iraq: article

Poll of Iraqis: article

painting by Goya

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