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Friday, December 28, 2018


Scientific American: The Next Climate Frontier: Predicting a Complex Domino Effect - Motivated by events like Hurricane Harvey, researchers are trying to determine how climate change interacts with agriculture, energy, transportation and other human systems By Annie Sneed

1 comment:

Glynn Kalara said...

Predicting Climate itself is an incredibly complex problem by itself, but adding in its possible effects on human society is a dramatic increase in predictions. Up till now, these predictions have mostly been done in the realm of fiction. Part of the problem with adding in societal predictions is the fact that it's damn near impossible to predict what up to 12 billion humans are going to do to try and stop or slow the coming changes. This we know some of the changes now are essentially baked in. Sea rise is one example, to stop the ongoing and accelerating rise of the sea is both complex and difficult because it's already been long underway.