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Thursday, August 23, 2018

Brian Williams - Candidate Donald Trump Said Hillary Clinton Would Have Constant Legal Woes


Glynn Kalara said...

The funny thing is he was right about that he just had it assbackwards as usual because he's the one that will be playing the role of Nixon in the new Watergate drama. Call it Hackergate or DNCgate because ironically it is once again going to be about an illegal break in of the DNC's database / files by the opposition party's President. Nixon ordered Watergate and it got him ousted Trumpf ordered the DNC hack by Putin et. al. and its hopefully going to end up in him be ousted one way or another.

Jim Sande said...

He is little by little getting hamstrung, the darts are getting more and more poisonous. I would like to see a major indictment real soon and just keep Trump perpetually in a state of reeling until he is mercifully ejected for good.