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Monday, February 12, 2018


The Palmer Report: Democratic leader of House impeachment committee issues warning to Donald Trump


Glynn Kalara said...

I like the sound of the word Impeachment and I'd love it if we can win back the house. The chances of winning the Senate and even then putting together a 2/3rds Majority to convict is highly unlikely. Doesn't matter though since with the House the dems. can drag Donald into an Impeachment proceeding where Mueller's report will form the basis of the many charges that will be leveled against him. 2019 will read as "The Impeachment of DJTRUMPUTIN" and will lead to the 2020's Presidental race with a mortally wounded Donald. By going after Clinton and Obama as he's doing he's leaving open the door for a Dem. President in 2021 to go after him for crimes he has committed while in office. ( they wouldn't do it but they could in this case.)

Jim Sande said...

You are describing the likely scenario, there's one hitch that I see. That's about the Dems winning big in November. Signs continue to point to a blue wave right now, but still, it's too far out. There's no guarantee and with Russia still committed to disrupting the election and with Trump virtually welcoming that disruption, the obstacles are high.