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Monday, February 12, 2018


Vox: A Stanford psychologist on the art of avoiding assholes - "Not giving a shit takes the wind out of an asshole's sails." By Sean Illing


Mark said...

It's long been my contention that if "we the people" had the smarts and discipline, we'd be able to disable or at least disarm T***p by ignoring him. A schoolyard bully loses power if everyone just walks away. That can't happen for many reasons, least of all our societal need to rubberneck.

Jim Sande said...

I hear you. My contention is that we need to hit back against Trump hard and even harder then what Trump can muster. Generally speaking, we need to be careful in dealing with extreme people, very difficult people, and use the kindest approach possible. I am of the mind that using overwhelming aggression to subdue some is okay.

Glynn Kalara said...

I agree with you Jim ignoring a guy that can cause massive death and disfigurement to billions is not a good strategy. Ignoring an asshole relative or frenemy is ok.