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Friday, February 09, 2018

Bay View

Guardian UK: The Michigan town where only Christians are allowed to buy houses
The Christian-only clause was introduced together with a white-only clause, which the association eliminated the following decade. Catholics were given a 10% quota, which was eventually dropped. Over the years, however, the Christian-only requirement was, if anything, reinforced.


Glynn Kalara said...

Depending on Michigan law it might be permissible. Federal Fair housing law only mentions Race and color, not religion so by Federal law its ok to discriminate by religion even today.

Glynn Kalara said...

Just checked and I doubt this story is right. Here's the link to the Mich. Fair Housing statutes and religion is included.

Jim Sande said...

From my point of view, I hope it's not correct and this doesn't pan out. I've been attracted to this series on America that the Guardian runs strictly because it struck me as eye witness type of reporting. The pictures seemed first hand like the series they did on Pennsylvania's Trump country people. The Guardian is a good source. You might consider emailing the story's journalists and asking questions.

Glynn Kalara said...

Good idea. That link is I believe right from the State website.