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Monday, December 04, 2017

Grab Man

NY Times: Billy Bush: Yes, Donald Trump, You Said That By BILLY BUSH
He said it. “Grab ’em by the pussy.”

Of course he said it. And we laughed along, without a single doubt that this was hypothetical hot air from America’s highest-rated bloviator. Along with Donald Trump and me, there were seven other guys present on the bus at the time, and every single one of us assumed we were listening to a crass standup act. He was performing. Surely, we thought, none of this was real.

We now know better.


Glynn Kalara said...

It doesn't matter most of Trumpf's base will believe anything he says even if it's proven factually to be wrong or a LIE. They don't care.

Jim Sande said...

Yes, his base truly does not care. It's quite something considering the religious right thinks it's the moral center. Now we know better, it's just long standing arrogance, they are fumbling hypocrites and selfish to the core.