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Thursday, November 16, 2017


The Palmer Report: New details reveal Donald Trump Jr is even more of a Russian puppet than his father


Glynn Kalara said...

Makes sense that Trumpf would have his namesake handle the coordination with the Russian's since he had been dealing closely with them for a long time prior to the campaign. At a min. Trumpf and his faction of the GOP coalition is Pro-Putin / Russia and open about it. I think that they feel this is a perfectly legitimate political position and not one that should be viewed as treasonous. The problem is significant segments of the GOP and the country in general strongly disagree and see Putin for what he is a Dictator / Despot and Russia today as a Right-wing Nationalist regime with an Autocratic form of Gov't and an Oligarchic economy that are hostile to the US specifically and the West in general.

Jim Sande said...

Sure, Trump and Jr have business to do in Russia, I see that as the fundamental interest. It's good for business for Trump so why not make it good for America. I just wish Mueller would put another indictment out there soon.