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Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Paul Butler - The Russian 'Smoking Gun' Admission From Trump


Glynn Kalara said...

I hope that Mueller takes his good time. The longer he drags this into 2018 the better because if his report lays out grounds for Impeachment we're going to need the Dems. in the catbird seat in Congress when all that comes down. The GOP will never Impeach Trumpf no matter how egregious the charges or the proof.

Jim Sande said...

This entire business is giving Trump a black eye, and he can't do anything right to heal it either. It just keeps getting bigger and blacker. IMO opinion Trump is dangerous because he is so utterly inept and out of his depth and he's malignant, he's vile and violent. Back mix - volatility and stupidity - it never ends well.