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Friday, February 10, 2017

Maddow - Poll Shows Worldview Gap Between Trump Voters, Americans Broadly

Watch this - we are better than you might think.


Glynn Kalara said...

I saw this segment last evening. I thought it was interesting that she caught the one really scary poll no. the 51% of Trumpf supporters that thought it would be ok for Trump to overturn the rulings of Judges he didn't like or the decisions he didn't like. It pts. to the basic authoritarian nature of his base. These folks are thrilled with having him as King / Dictator. They hate democracy and the law. They want a feudal system with a King on top and all of them being given special treatment. The so-called Immigration ban was his first attempt of just that. The Courts aren't buying it so far.

Jim Sande said...

Sure that 51% are probably the bigots/racists and pure authoritarians. I'm encouraged by the courts - not so fast Mr. Trump.