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Friday, October 21, 2016

TRNN - Elites Outraged At Trump's Refusal To Accept Election Result


Glynn Kalara said...

Who's surprised? DRumpf is not your ordinary candidate he's a Fascist bullyboy like Peron, Franco, Mussolini , AH and others. The rules don't apply to him. He'll lose , but his candidacy is warning shot over the bow of our country that we now have a significant portion of the electorate that is distinctly anti-democratic and authoritarian. This is the result of two decades of Fox news and hard right radio and now Internet. It is also the result of Citizens United and other high court rulings that have opened the door to a plutocracy.

Jim Sande said...

As far as I've read, his opinion about who won or did not win after election day is a moot point. He doesn't get to hold up anything. When the electoral college votes, that's the end of the story. All this posturing b.s. from Trump is about ramping up his brand among his blue collar white supporters. None of these people will ever stay at his hotels or play on his golf courses, possibly a small number, but they will pay subscription fees to internet nonsense and click ads on websites for whoever is going to buy ad time of TrumpNet. In the back of Trump's mind is money, he'll get it any way he can. POS.