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Monday, March 21, 2016

'Blame The Protesters'

MSNBC: Donald Trump: ‘At what point do people blame the protesters?’
George Stephanopoulos then asked the candidate to clarify whether he was blaming the protesters for violent acts instead of the supporters who had punched and kicked them.

“I’m saying this,” Trump said. “These are professional agitators, and I think that somebody should say that when a road is blocked going into the event so that people have to wait sometimes hours to get in, I think that’s very fair, and they should be blamed there, too.”


Glynn Kalara said...

That was a given. In the Trump Universe protesting him is equal to being a traitor and therefore allows for a violent response.

Jim Sande said...

It's interesting as I learn more and more about Trump and listen to him, watch his dog and pony act, I knew he was a egotistical person, but the degree of egoism exceeds anything I've ever seen. He's in his own private emperor's Idaho and everybody else is a peon.

Glynn Kalara said...

That's exactly what it's like working for this putz. He's never had anyone but ass kissing peons around him his whole life. In his mind he's not running for President he believes he's just entitled to be King. A divine right one at that and in that Universe it's off with your head if you try and put your hand up in protest. He said it didn't he when he talked about how in the old days if you protested you got carried away on a stretcher.

Jim Sande said...

Sympathetic kindness is not a hallmark of the demagogic narcissist...