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Saturday, August 15, 2015

Another Gruesome ISIS Story

  I keep asking myself, are they human beings?

Guardian UK: Kayla Mueller was raped by Isis leader before her death, say officials - Hostage’s family says they were told by US officials that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi took Mueller as his ‘wife’ and sexually abused her repeatedly


Glynn Kalara said...

This group is ugly, but they are being used to fuel a far uglier reality. Just like how the Chinese Red guard was used in the 60's this radical group is being used today to fuel a huge and ever growing military and police build up here.

Jim Sande said...

People have focused all their fear on this group especially the GOP. They are in fact quite ugly, inhuman. One thing it shows is that radical right wing activity is a global activity. Ironically there are people in the USA that hate ISIS and would simultaneously be happy living in a christian hierarchical monarchy as it were killing off now believers. One thing about the right that is a little weird is how they simultaneously hate other right wing groups. So you could be in the KKK and hate ISIS even though your tactics to brutalize your perceived enemy is equally inhuman and barbaric.