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Wednesday, January 14, 2015

TRNN - Paris Attacks: Rage Of The Dispossessed - Chris Hedges


Glynn Kalara said...

Of course none other then Chris " the oh I'm so self righteous" Hedges leading the amen chorus of the left blaming the victims and certifying the reasons why the two religious fanatics felt they could be judge jury and executioners of those 12 innocent people. Shades of Franz Fanon its all ok because its all under the banner of anti-colonialism, therefore its justified. BULLSHIT! Its murder Chris wake the fuck up dude.

Jim Sande said...

I thought about this and it seems that cold blooded murder has been given a lot of different names - terrorism, the war on terrorism where drones kill innocent people and a few bad guys, the crazed lone gunmen like at Sandy Hook, - it's all murder but we are expected to somehow accept the reasoning as being either lofty or utterly immoral. Call it shades of murder. Hedges is one of these people that throws a crowbar in the mechanism of opinion and judgement, that to put it mildly. I liked the part of the interview where he describes the conditions in France, essentially what one could call a Muslim ghetto. This is stuff I don't know anything about. But this Paris attack has no justification whatsoever. This was brutal.