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Thursday, January 15, 2015

Pope - Free Speech Has Limits

To me it sounds like the Pope is being a mediator.

BBC: Paris attacks: Pope Francis says freedom of speech has limits
"You cannot provoke. You cannot insult the faith of others. You cannot make fun of the faith of others. There is a limit."


Glynn Kalara said...

So where does that stop? If I say a particuliar behavior is anthema to my faith then if we follow the Pope's advice then someone making a negative comment about it should be what? Arrested? The problem I have with "sacred cows" is just that one man's / women's "sacred cows" are another's supper.

Jim Sande said...

Exactly, that is why I believe this statement is less about any of that stuff and more about an attempt to be a mediator as it were. He wants to gather together all the religions including the Muslims. He's a pro ecumenical kind a guy.