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Saturday, November 08, 2014


  This week's news stories seem like some of the bleakest I've seen in a while when viewed together. I want to comment on the recent election. The Republicans ran against the perceived failure of the Obama administration to improve the economy. Technically speaking the economy has modestly recovered from the last year of the Bush administration when the monetary system literally was on the brink of collapse. The implications of that possible collapse are staggering. My point here is not to compliment the Obama administration for modestly improving the economy nor is it to take note against the GOP for utilizing fear to make its political gains all of which were funded by billionaires taking advantage of profoundly troubling campaign financing regulations.

  What has occurred to me and you is that the Republican cry against the slumping US economy is nothing more than pure hypocrisy. It is hypocrisy at its worst in fact. The fundamental point is that the failings in our economy reflect the wishes of the GOP and the direction that the GOP wants to economy to go. The rich are getting profoundly wealthy where a few families own more of the country's wealth than millions upon millions of ordinary citizens. The tightening on the middle class and poor class is at its worst in recent decades. The middle class is crumbling, the safety net is pot holed to threads, companies are exerting more and more pressure over credit and payments, and this list of obstacles for ordinary citizens is growing and strangling everyone. You know it, I know, and the GOP knows it. This is exactly what they have called for. If trickle down actually worked, we would all be fabulously wealthy right now as the DOW is in record territory. But as we know trickle down is nothing more than a well conceived ruse for the amazingly ignorant American electorate. But that's just one point of many.

  My point is simple. The economy is stressed and this is exactly what the GOP wants. The more the middle class disassembles, the more the safety net is removed, the more medicare is made unmanageable, the more SSI is reduced and is eventually ended, the more that the tax burden of the country is squarely placed on the shoulders of the poor and completely off the shoulders of the rich, the more that ordinary people clash with each other over the puny morsels left over from a few ultra wealthy individuals and corporations, the more we get of all of these things then the more we are completely and utterly moving in the direction of the real GOP economics. And make no mistake, this is what we have signed on for, willingly, in this last election.


Ed said...

Pretty good analysis, thanks.

Something I heard on WAMC the other day, Chartok said that people have a choice when they vote or align with a party and the Rs are identified with the kind of prosperity that you describe. The Ds are seen to be the downtrodden. There is a class prejudice. No matter how against their interests it may be, people would rather sign up with the Rs.

Jim Sande said...

If you listen to conservative local radio what you get is a solid hour of people complaining about how black people are getting a free ride that is better than their ride, and that the complainers are the ones paying for it. You could go anywhere in the country and hear this. It has absolutely nothing to do with how wealth is distributed. The GOP makes good use of the the mass ignorance of these types of memes that are repeated every single day over and over and over everywhere in the country. That's why you get these bizarre comments from ultra right wing loonies every week or so now about how there is a coming race war, or that Obama is responsible for gang activity in the USA, or any one of a number of purely paranoid delusions.

Ed said...

I admire the president for being strong enough to withstand the onslaught of crap from all directions.

The latest I've heard is "President Ebola"

Glynn Kalara said...

There is no doubt a deep seated element of racism in the GOP these days. Oddly, two generations ago it was worse on the Dem. side because back in those days Southern Dems were a key element of the party. That changed in the 50-60's with the Civil rights era. The Dixiects fled the party to the GOP the party of Lincoln, which defeated the south a century earlier became the party of the neo-Confederacy. The racist right and the Corp. right with its core of right wing Churches are now what constitutes the GOP today. The Dems. have allowed the more socially and religiously Liberal elements of the old GOP to do the same thing and move to the Dems. This element Corp. in its orientation has essentially taken over the party. The Clinton's are a perfect example of this marriage literally. Hillary is from an old line Midwestern GOP family and Bill is a yellow-dog Southern Dem. This is the right wing of the Dem. party. So, today America is ruled by two essentially right wing parties . The Progressive wings of both parties have been defeated and vanquished to the fringes and its these elements of both parties that once brought us most of the actual social reform in this country back in the 20th Century. The right wing elements though hated those reforms and have been slowly over the last 40 yrs. dragging us back to an economy more representative of the one we had in the late 19th century then the late 20th. Their idea of what freedom is is radically opposed to the more Progressive idea of a shared economy with a redistributionist tax system at its heart and a strong social safety net, built on SSI, unemployment Ins. and Medicare/Medicaid. Both parties right wings want this system destroyed. They want a servile working class existing at or near destitution and closely watched by the now huge Military/Intell. /Homeland security system. We the 90% are the deadly class enemy of these elites and they have been fighting a very sophisticated class war against us using the very best marketing and advertising strategies to sell their ideas. The increasingly dumb ed down population has been buying it and coupled with a campaign to restrict voting rights the GOP has now figured a way to rule , even though they actually lack the nos. to do so. No matter. The Constitutional deal made 225 yrs. ago rigged the game from the very start in favor of the low population rural areas against the growing cities. The south made sure that this was always going to be a bulwark against democracy. This is why we have the Senate with its two Senator rule. Delaware has two Senators with i/10th the population of Calif. fair, right? So it goes. Now with the GOP vanguard of voter suppression laws and a SCOTUS backing this Unconstitutional and antidemocratic effort , we all see the results. Obama's rightist tilt though hasn't helped. The electorate walked away from the Dems. this time around, because they no longer are buying Mr. Obama's GOP lite orientation and their pissed off at how little he has done for the average person. He's a lame duck now and he deserves to be. The voters by not showing though opened up a political vacuum that the hard right party easily filled with MONEY and the candidates MONEY easily buys. This is the system we've all allowed to evolve and its closing its IMPERIAL grip on all of us now.

Jim Sande said...

Nicely done Glenn, thanks for giving us some good historical context.