Sunday, October 06, 2013

The War

CS Monitor: Washington at war: Political animosity reaches new, personal level - With no end in sight for the government shutdown, the partisan animosity has gotten unusually bitter and personal, even for Washington. Americans are angry too.


Glynn Kalara said...

Its all a money party squabble over power. The 2 factions are feuding over the spoils.

Jim Sande said...

The Teas are doing their damnedest on the behalf of the billionaire owners to rid America of all social programs. I think the tactic will backfire on them as the debt ceiling starts to interfere with the global economy. Rather amazing situation, a few religious zealot fruitcakes with enough arrogance for a billion people and from overly gerrymandered districts with small rural populations in red states have seized power in the GOP congress. I don't think this level of nonsense has ever been achieved in the USA.

Ed said...

I agree. It's a first.

Glynn Kalara said...

"I don't think this level of nonsense has ever been achieved in the USA." The south has been fighting a rear-guard action ever since the Civil War. It now basically wants to throw under the wheels the great grand children of the slaves it exploited for 300 yrs.