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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Morning Joe - Why Romney Lost

Even after Nate Silver predicted the outcome of the election flawlessly, the GOP is still spinning nonsense about why Romney lost including why pollsters got it so wrong, as is demonstrated in this clip. Fundamentally the GOP has its own set of "facts" and these "facts" correspond to what they want to occur. It is a method of self created validation. The type of absurd polling coming from Rasmussen and Gallup will not end as long as those outfits continue to be connected to highly partisan efforts. It's interesting to listen to Dan Senor because even in the face of his party's utter failure, he points the finger of blame everywhere but where it belongs. The finger of blame lays firmly on the rabid culture of the conservative movement itself. They should come up with a new slogan - "American Conservatives - Out Of Touch With Reality For Decades and For Generations To Come".

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Glynn Kalara said...

As long as these two differing political and cultural realities can contend peacefully at the polls I'm ok about it. It's when one side or the other decides it has to stop the others through violence is when things will get scary. 1860 didn't happen in a moment it was 75 yrs. of bad blood to getting there.

Jim Sande said...

I think we are witnessing the disassembling of the GOP, like a snake shedding its skin. It will be interesting to see if what appears is just the same old thing in a new package, which is very likely, or if they are able to become more policy oriented and much less social policy oriented.

Anonymous said...

I believe it will be the same old thing in a new package.
All their ideas can be distilled down to two basic concepts:

• Lower taxes for the wealthy and corporations
• Fewer regulations for corporations

All the rest of the stuff, the social conservatism, is just a sideshow to bring religious enthusiasts into the tent.