Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Watching O

Its 8:12 and I'm watching Obama enter.

This better be good.

CNN For Live Streaming

- Pats self on back for pulling economy back from the brink.

- Determined to be the last president to take up the cause of health care - the crowd goes nuts.

- We are at the breaking point, bankruptcy, too costly, too risky, only democracy on earth that allows such hardship, 30 million uncovered, 14,000 per day lose coverage.

- Company won't pay in middle of chemo, breast cancer - heartbreaking and wrong, no one should be treated like this - crowd goes nuts.

- Too costly, American businesses are at a huge disadvantage, we have to slow sky rocketing costs, health care problem is the deficit problem nothing else comes close.

- Health is 1/6th of our economy - build on what works - crowd goes nuts.

- Agreement on 80% of what needs to be done.

- Scare tactics instead of real debate, blizzard of charges, time for bickering is over. Now is the season for action - crowd goes nuts.

- Three goals on the plan - more stability, insurance for those who don't, slow costs

- First if you have health insurance through your job, no requirement to change. Repeats it. Against the law to deny coverage for a pre-existing condition - crowd goes nuts.

- Against the law to drop it or water it down. Arbitrary caps no no. No one should go broke because they get sick. Required to cover preventative tests colonoscopy, mamogram.

- Second part - quality choices, new insurance exchange, competitive prices. Same opportunity as government employees - crowd goes nuts.

- Low cost coverage for pre-existing condition.

- Individuals required to carry basic health insurance like car insurance.

- Americans are nervous - addresses bogus claims.

- Death panels is a lie, plain and simple.

- Insure illegal immigrants is a lie. Crowd loses its shit.

- Will not fund abortions.

- Will not take over entire health insurance industry.

- Its based on market economics - crowd goes nuts.

- Wants to hold insurance companies accountable - crowd goes nuts.

- Not for profit insurance option - crowd goes nuts. Only option if you don't have insurance. Less than 5% of Americans would sign up. Subsidized by premiums that it collects.

- Work together - crowd goes nuts.

- Basic principle - we will provide you with a choice - Republicans become stoic.

- How do we pay for it. Will not sign a plan that adds a dime to deficit (yeah right)
Provision for spending cuts.

- Gets in a good dig at Republicans on deficit spending.

- Medicare is a sacred trust. Not a dollar of the medicare trust fund will be used for this plan. Eliminates waste and fraud.

- He will protect medicare. Republicans lose their shit.

- Revenues from insurance companies.

- Finally, medical malpractice laws need reform. Crowd goes nut.

- Add it all up $900 billion over 10 years, less than Iraq and Afghanistan and less than Bush tax cuts.

- Not higher taxes, 1/10 of 1% cut would save $4 trillion in deficit spending.

- Misrepresent the plan and we will call you out.

- We cannot fail, too many Americans are counting on us.

- Invokes Ted Kennedy, and we have a tender moment, a moral issue.

- The character or our country. "There is something that can make you better but I can't afford it."

- Sometimes government has to step in. Recounts Social Security, recounts history of medicare.

- Obama has a stunning moment recounting history and defending integrity.

- "We did not come here to fear the future, we can act even when its hard. I still believe - civility. We can do great things....That is our character."

- Obama scores big.

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